
2016 Trojans Senior Registration Form

Welcome to Westside Trojans Senior online registration form.
Please note this form enables you to pay your registration fee directly to Basketball Tasmania.

If you are an existing member - but do not receive a copy of your username and password after requesting it, select 'register as a new member'. The system will automatically merge your existing information with the new registration.

For further information or assistance please contact

Team Codes:

Division -> Team Code -> Team Name

Women D1 -> 2911479 -> Trojans
Men D1 -> 21502081 -> Trojans
Men D2 -> 21329935 -> Trojans 1
Men D2 -> 21502205 -> Trojans 2

NOTE: To complete this process you will need to pay online.

Please enter your email address below

This email is required for confirmation of your registration and future registration access.